Back Into The Swing Of Things

We really are firing through the year at a rate of knots! We're already in May..I can't believe it either!

April has passed us and what a great month we had! First and foremost we've had to say a fond farewell to Flynn who is now off to greener pastures after a few years of great service, making up outfits, stripping kilts and making a bloody good cuppa!! We'll miss you!


Weddings were aplenty this month and we saw our fair share...

Firstly we'll start with Craig and Lily McLenan. This beautiful couple were married on the 17th of April at Maryculter house.

McLenan Wedding photo - Bride and Groom

What a bunch of good lads for this party! All scrubbing up very well and having what looked to be an amazing time. Although it did raise the debate of the century. The options for dinner were macaroni cheese or sausage and what would you have chosen? 

Another big congratulations to the Ellis'! Ryan and Zoe tied the knot on April the 10th at Barra.

Scottish Spirit Kilts Wedding

The boys all looked superb in their Scottish Spirit kilts and a good day was had by all! An absolute pleasure to work with all the boys. We wish Ryan and Zoe a happy life together!

Scottish Spirit Kilt Wedding

To all our other parties and hires we hope you all had a lovely time!

Work is also well underway on our dedicated mail building so we can get everything to you lovely people further afield much faster and much more efficiently!

Finally we'd like to announce here a day earlier than on our socials that we are officially part of the Aberdeen Football Club family through the By Official Appointment Programme! If you're a fan or you're a season ticket holder then you'll get some special deals and discounts just for being you! Stay tuned for what they are...

Thanks for reading this month folks! Join us next month to see what we've been up to in May!

- Team Kilts Wi Hae

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