Lang Syne Indian Family Clan Information History Fact Book - Singh

Lang Syne Indian Family Clan Information History Fact Book - Singh

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There are an estimated 20 million bearers of the proud name of Singh scattered across the world today – but, no matter where they are settled, what they all have in common is a rich heritage rooted deep in the ancient soil, plains, hills and valleys of the vast Indian subcontinent.

Their lineage is both royal and warrior-like while, imbued with the Sikh faith, is also infused with the ideals of compassion and tolerance towards others.

One of their most revered figures is the late fifteenth century and early sixteenth century philosopher, poet and warrior Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th and last living Guru of Sikhism, while in contemporary times Simon Singh is the British journalist, author and television producer whose acclaimed works include the award-winning documentary Fermat’s Last Theorem.

The stirring an inspiring tale of bearers of the Singh name is recounted here.

Book Dimensions 10 × 0.4 × 14.5 cm