Lang Syne English Family Information History Fact Book - Fuller

Lang Syne English Family Information History Fact Book - Fuller

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Originally an occupational name denoting someone who was employed in the preparation of cloth, ‘Fuller’ is of ancient Anglo-Saxon roots.

A significant number of its bearers have gained distinction on the battlefield, while others have achieved fame through a diverse range of other endeavours and pursuits.

On a musical note, Simon Fuller is the British entrepreneur, artist manager and television producer who in addition to having managed the pop group the Spice Girls, created the television music talent show franchise Idol – known in Britain as Pop Idol and in the United States as American Idol.

In the world of science, Calvin Fuller was the American physical chemist who, while working from 1930 to 1967 for AT&T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, was responsible for a number of major scientific breakthroughs that include high-efficiency solar cells and developments in the use of polymers.

Presented here is the colourful of the Fullers.

Book Dimensions 10 × 0.4 × 14.5 cm